“Frunk” vine de la front trunk adică portbagaj frontal.
Frunky.ro a creat un produs care rezolvă atât functional cât și estetic acest neajuns, optimizând spațiul de depozitare al mașinii. Produsul este fabricat în România.
ComandăThomas - "Hallo Alles Super👍😊 Frunk ist Heute angekommen Herzlichen Dank Mit freundlichen Grüßen" - 2023-03-30
Wouter - "The Frunk was received. It was a bit crumpled in transport but it fixed itself after a few days. It was installed and we're very happy. Good luck with your business!" - 2023-04-06
Jos - "I liked the frunk very much, it fits real good, i only had to modify it a little at the side of the watertank but it was easy to do. I am very happy with it 👍" - 2023-04-12
Ioan - "Se potriveste perfect pe Extreme" - 2023-06-27
Emanuil - "The frunk just arrived today, flawless and quick delivery to Bulgaria for sure." - 2023-11-22
Hristudor Ionel - "Superb , se potrivește la fix , dimensiunile sunt perfecte , oferă foarte mult spațiu în plus în față plus ca protejează de praf și alte minunății componentele motor !" - 2024-01-12
Huret - "Bonjour, j'ai bien reçu le frunk, je l'ai monté aujourd'hui. J'ai du faire quelques mini ajustement au ciseaux mais c'est parfait. J'en ai profité pour mettre des petits verrins de coffre pour faciliter l'ouverture et le maintien. Vous devriez proposer cette option aussi." - 2024-01-15
Derek Tubby - "My frunk arrived yesterday from Romania to Spain and took 11 days. Excellent , well thought out product which fits well, only requiring a slight tweak to locate one of the fixings. The installation instructions are very comprehensive though I had a little concern over the fitting of the rubber seal on the front lip of the bonnet (hood) as the picture in the instructions was blurred and the width of the adhesive strip was wider than the space to fix it, so it wasn't as obvious as expected. In the end, I found a fixing diagram on the internet which was clearer and fitted it today. If anyone else has a similar problem, the cross section of the seal is in the rough form of a "C" and the open part of the "C" should face frontwards, towards you as you fit it. I'm now waiting until the morning before opening the bonnet to see if the seal has adjusted its shape and size to fit. Yes, it's possible to buy other products at lower cost (and some at higher cost) to do the job but they are not a patch on this one. Well worth the money, well done!" - 2024-01-31
Jürg Wüthrich - "Alles Top super gepasst schnelle Montage Mit freundlichen Grüßen" - 2024-03-04
Thomas - "Hey super war überrascht worden DHL hat mir das Paket schneller gebracht als gedacht! Super Frunk mit sehr schönen Dichtungen ✌️ Auf dem Laderegler kommt eine großes Gummi, damit kann auch mal was schweres drin liegen. Platzvorteil ist enorm. Eingebaut in 5 Minuten! Ausbau geht in 1 Minute. 1000 Dank an die Erfinder und Hersteller! Empfehlung ans Forum ist raus" - 2024-03-12
Ács József - "Megérkezett! Nem egészen 11 nap alatt megjött Magyarországra! Könnyedén beillik a helyére, egy "bolha" talált nehezebben a helyére, a többi 3 simán! Ha minden a helyére kerül, érezni, hogy nehezebben csukódik a motorháztető, de ez várható volt a tömítések miatt!" - 2024-03-13
Hyundai Kona - "Pentru Hyundai KONA electric 2019-2022 nu faceți cumva un frunk similar? Am cumpărat pentru Spring și mi-a plăcut tare mult." - 2024-08-31
@tibiflorescu Montaj Frunk la Dacia Spring , metoda cea mai usoara de a castiga spatiu de depozitare la Dacia Spring si nu numai . #frunk #dacia #spring #portbagaj #motor #tibiflorescu ♬ sunet original - Tibi Florescu